How my favorite childhood book "Quem quer ir a OBA -OBA" influenced me to become a teacher.
Here's the story of my favorite childhood book and why it's important to me as a child.
Marcelo was going to Ubatuba with his mother by bus when it broke down. They were rescued by a mysterious bus that took him, his mother, and four other people who didn't want to wait for help. They just accepted the assistance of a kind man, who was driving a bus that belonged to a lonely millionaire. The driver took them to the man's mansion, which was wonderfully decorated and full of delicious food. The man offered the group of people to spend the night because the road had been blocked due to rolling rocks. As most people know, it rains a lot in UBACHUVA, I mean, Ubatuba, but the whole story seemed super suspicious. However, Dr. Abilio was so kind, and his house was so beautiful...
On the next morning, the driver came back with bad and good news. The bad news was that the road would be blocked for more time than expected. The good news was that the man had a hotel on an island close by, and they would stay there until they could return to São Paulo. After living through many mysterious adventures, it is revealed that Dr. Abilio had attracted those people to the hotel because he wanted to turn it into a MODERN SCHOOL where students would learn things by doing. Geography lessons would happen outdoors, and English would be learned THROUGH CONVERSATIONS. Everyone would have the opportunity to study, work, and live on the island. Nobody would have bought his idea of creating such a wonderful place of learning if he hadn't proved to this small group of people that it was possible. Okay, this is the story of my favorite childhood book, but why do I still like it so much? Did I like the book because I already believed learning should be about understanding, rather than memorizing for tests, or did this wonderful book build my values? I don't know the answer, but coincidence or not, I love the fact that a trip to Ubatuba last weekend brought me so many happy memories of my childhood and revealed a little bit of my DNA as a teacher.
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